Sermon for Christmas 1 (All Years) December 30, 2018

Isaiah 61:10-62:3               Psalm 147:13-21                                Galatians 3:23-25; 4:4-7                 John 1:1-18 Our reading from Galatians is evidence that Paul was a theologian.  A theologian can be defined as one who specializes in …

Sermon for Christmas Eve 2018

Isaiah 9:2-7                         Psalm 96                                              Titus 2:11-14                                       Luke 2:1-14 “The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light; Those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on …

Sermon for Advent 4, Year C December 23, 2018

Micah 5:2-5a                      Canticle 15                                          Hebrews 10:5-10                              Luke 1:39-46 One of my favorite places we visited when I was in Israel was the Chapel of the Visitation.  Upon entering the gates, …

Sermon for Advent 3, Year C December 16, 2018

Zephaniah 3:13-20                           Canticle 9                             Philippians 4:4-7                               Luke 3:7-18 Our reading from Luke this morning is John the Baptist speaking to a crowd of people who have specifically come to hear …

Sermon for Advent 2, Year C December 9, 2018

Malachi 3:1-4                     Canticle 16                                          Philippians 1:3-11                             Luke 3:1-6 As we continue the season of Advent, we have Malachi saying the messenger of the covenant is coming and then asks the …

Sermon for December 2, 2018 Advent 1, Year C

Jeremiah 33:14-16            Psalm 25:1-9                                       1 Thessalonians 3:9-13                   Luke 21:25-36 This past Sunday, while on vacation, I decided to satisfy a curiosity and I attended Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church.  Since …

Sermon for Proper 28, Year B November 18, 2018

Daniel 12:1-3                                      Psalm 16                              Hebrews 10:11-125                             Mark 13:1-8 The book of Daniel, like the Revelation to John, is apocalyptic, it focuses on the end of time using a person’s …

Sermon for Proper 27, Year B November 11, 2018

1 Kings 17:8-16                                  Psalm 146                            Hebrews 9:24-28                              Mark 12:38-44 At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 an armistice was signed between the Allied …

Sermon for Proper 25, Year B October 28, 2018

Jeremiah 31:7-9                                Psalm 126                            Hebrews 7:23-28                              Mark 10:46-52 Jesus says, “Go, your faith has made you well.”  Whether or not we believe Jesus literally open the eyes of the blind …

Sermon for Proper 24, Year B October 21, 2018

Isaiah 53:4-12                                     Psalm 91:9-16                    Hebrews 5:1-10                                 Mark 10:35-45 Last Sunday’s Gospel reading ended with Jesus saying, “Many who are first will be last, and the last shall …