Sermon for Trinity Sunday, Year B, May 30, 2021

Isaiah 6:1-8                         Psalm 29                                              Romans 8:12-17                                John 3:1-17           On this Sunday, the first Sunday after Pentecost, our church celebrates one of its major feasts – Trinity Sunday.  We speak …

Sermon for Pentecost, Year B, May 23, 2021

Acts 2:1-21               Psalm 104:25-35                              Romans 8:22-27                     John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15           Pentecost is the day we celebrate the birth of the church.  On this day in Jerusalem, the …

Sermon for Easter 7, Year B, May 16, 2021

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26                          Psalm 1                                                 1 John 5:9-13                      John 17:6-19           In our reading from Acts, Peter is speaking to a crowd of over 100 people.  He speaks of the …

Sermon for Easter 6, Year B, May 9, 2021 (Mother’s Day)

Acts 10:44-48                     Psalm 98                                              1 John 5:1-6                        John 15:9-17           Reading the scriptures for today, Mother’s Day, I thought of their message of love and the love, and lessons of …

Sermon for Easter 5, Year B, May 2, 2021

Acts 8:26-40                                    Psalm 22:24-30                                     1 John 4:7-21                      John 15:1-8           In our reading from Acts, Philip is told by an angel to go where he encounters a eunuch in …

Sermon for Easter 2, Year B, April 11, 2021

Acts 4:32-35, Psalm 133, 1 John 1:1-2:2, John 20:19-31           Thomas may just be my favorite disciples because he questions.  Most people refer to him as Doubting Thomas, because in today’s …

Sermon for Easter Sunday, Year B, April 4, 2021

Acts 10:34-43, Psalm 118:14-24, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, John 20:1-18           Here we are, gathered on this Easter Sunday to celebrate an unbelievable story.  Jesus of Nazareth, who was executed and placed in a …

Sermon for Palm Sunday, Year B, March 27, 2021

The Liturgy of the Palms:                                                John 12:12-16     Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Isaiah 50:4-9a                     Psalm 31:9-16                                                    Philippians 2:5-11             Mark 15:1-39           Blessed be God, our doors are open!  This …